Jennifer Topp – Development Engineer (Textiles and Materials).

The Enabler.

For designers wanting to turn their ideas into reality, Jennifer Topp is their go-to expert. That’s because most decisions on surfaces and materials have to be given her seal of approval. Jennifer’s aim is to make the often ambitious design ideas of her customers technically feasible by finding innovative and unusual ways to use materials. Her creations are nothing short of ingenious.

“Almost anything is possible.”

“An excellent example of this is when we managed to laminate real slate onto our products – not only on flat surfaces, but on convex and concave surfaces, too. The customer was blown away! When you take materials usually used for furniture and transfer them to a car, you are guaranteed a wow factor.”

There are of course limits to what can be done. Using stone in airbag systems is out of the question because it would be far too dangerous for the passengers on board if it were to shatter in a crash. But there are no limits to Eissmann’s innovation when it comes to airbags. We can make airbags “invisible” with the help of our patented weakening process for surface materials.

“All you will see on the passenger’s side of the dashboard is a smooth leather surface. We developed special processes for almost every surface to integrate rupture points into the back of the panel, using different technology such as lasers and needles. These points are there to ensure that the airbag breaks through in exactly the right places so that it can inflate.”

The result: customized aesthetics on show and technical ingenuity behind the scenes.

Just as we can integrate invisible rupture points into surfaces, we can modify materials in just about any way we like thanks to laser technology. It allows us to easily and flexibly create customized solutions using leather, vinyl, textiles and carbon.

“And we can do all this pretty quickly because we have our own in-house prototype construction. We need only a few weeks from the first draft design to the first prototype. In a nutshell: we’re flexible and we’re fast. Aesthetics are one of our top priorities. The way we do things is straightforward and we speak the same language as our customers in design departments.”

Jennifer doesn’t strive for four-wheeled beauty just when she’s at work: she loves restoring classic cars with her partner in her spare time. Their current project is a Mercedes-Benz W 116.

Good luck Jennifer – and enjoy the ride!

Meet our Experts.

Deetin Venugopal, System Developer
Tobias Götz, Product Engineer
Luise Polter, Quality Engineer
Libby Holton, Head of CBU – NA Tier 1
Denis Falkenstein, Head of IT-Infrastructure
Bernd Berger, Sewing Expert & Technician Electrical Toolshop

We for you – competent, creative, cooperative. Our experts report on typical tasks and exciting projects.